Trailers & Clips: (500) Days of Summer - Date With Ikea
"I didn’t like the first 15 mins of the film either. I felt like walking out. But I stayed- and in the end I realized I was being stabbed to the core by the honesty (and chill) of the female character’s answers to the male character’s questions. This movie’s power is in the surprise - for all the formula- truth emerged..."
cite ni bez!!!ni filem romantik yg ke-2 aku suke selepas filem romeo n juliet!!!fisrt aku tgk mmg borink gak,tp lame2 aku layan, aku makin terasa aura cinta yg di bawa oleh dua watak Joseph Gordon Levitt sebagai Tom, yg mana dia telah jatuh cinta dengan Summer, iaitu watak yg dipegang oleh Zooey Deschanel.(agak cumel + cute)
kumen jalan cerita:
1. aku suka part yg diorang dlm lif.huhuhuuu..sbb music diorang close!!!

2. aku suka gak part date kat IKEA, sesuatu yg luar biasa bagi aku...like me n sume1..(patut ar die bawa aku p IKEA).hahahahahaaa...
3. aku suke da whole cite ni sbb die gak!!da first date, die bagi aku muvie ni suh layan...aku follow je till the end.huhuu..
Tom: It's official. I'm in love with Summer.
[while Montage of Summer plays]
Tom: I love her smile. I love her hair. I love her knees. I love how she licks her lips before she talks. I love her heart-shaped birthmark on her neck. I love it when she sleeps.
Dialog ni wat aku melayang-layang kat awan...cam ner ar kalo ade org memuja sampai tahap niiiii...wat aku tak mandi pagi agaknyer...hahhaaaaa
Agak sedih sbb diorang pilih jalan idup masing2..dan bagi aku perempuan tu tak salah, cz awal-awal da bagitau Tom...“not looking for anything serious.”
cite ni aku xtgk smpai abes sebab tgk lewat mlm so tetdo..hehe..jalan cite awl slow..tapi ok kot..nanti tgk lagi =P..
tapi klu nk tgk crite2 yg bwa mesej lagi kuat ace try tgk cite THE UGLY TRUTH,I LOVE YOU BETH COOPER,SPREAD,MARLEY AND ME(sape tgk mesti tkut nk kwen)..hehe..sume cite ni ade persamaan ngan cite 500 days of summer ni la... =)..
maybe u leh kasi kat i cite 2...=)
hehe u kna download sendri ar..i mane leh kasi i pun pnjm dvd org..hehe.. =)
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